domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

Pink flowers

The Ipe is a beautiful pink flower that exists in several neighborhoods of the city of Rio de Janeiro. In this photo, in Flamengo, several petals fell to the ground and formed abeautiful carpet of flowers.

4 comentários:

  1. Uma bela fotografia. Adoro essas flores e as pétalas caídas no chão está lindas.

  2. Great to discover your Rio blog today! Welcome to the City Daily Photo blog community - I hope you enjoy the ride!
    Kind regards from EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota, USA

  3. Eu adoro quando o chão fica coalhado de flores de ipê, sejam elas de quais cores forem...
    Linda imagem...

    Beijo carinhoso.

  4. such a beautiful carpet. How long do they last?

    I like pizza sometimes. But being in a Chinese family, I don't eat it a lot.


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